Thursday, 10 January 2013

Bar/Corner-Unit Project Pictures

As promised from the last blog here are the pictures from my Bar/Corner-Unit Project. I thought it would be cool to take key pictures from most steps to show you the construction to completion.


Monday, 7 January 2013

2012 Status Update

2012 Update
Other than being ill for a prolonged period of time poker has been good this last year. I was able to buy a fairly new car and still have almost half my roll left(which is more than sufficient for the games I play in). I will post some pictures of the new whip in a separate blog post when I clean it and take it somewhere to create some nice pictures.

I also built a cool mini bar/side-unit at my place last year. I have lots of photos of the construction to completion of the project so I will make another blog post just for that in a few days.

Poker Beats Me
Since July 21st 2012 I became ill with a bad back. I got it from prolonged sitting with a poor posture, not enough exercise and not enough sleep. For the past year I have not trained at all really. Just a few odd sessions here and there! This is because I have been working 2 jobs and also playing poker 4-6 hours a night 4 days a week on average. Yes that's right I'm nuts! I would work 8 hours in one job, travel to another job to work 3 hours then travel straight to the card room most nights for a 4-6 hour session. So some days I would be working 19 hours including 2 hours to commute. Not much time for sleep. I think I was getting 3-5 hours sleep at best each night for around 8 months. Add all this up and we end up destroying ourselves. I'm recovering now but it is very slow. I have been off work for 5 months. I recently had an MRI scan which came up clear. So I'm hoping it will not be too long for me now so I can return to full time work. I guess my mental ability far exceeds my physical ability. At least for now that is ;)

Live Poker Graph Update

Happy New Year :)