Saturday 27 February 2010

Skill game.Told many times and they still don't get it!

Lot's of games can be played for money,particular are casino games such as craps,baccarat,roulette,blackjack,casino brag draw poker these are to name only a few games of chance.
Some of the noobs that we talk to every day associate poker with games of chance and put them into the same category as casino games.So when they find out what we do and clearly don't understand that we are not actual gamblers it always annoys the hell out of us.I bet some of us are still trying to explain the concept from time to time to family members.I class poker as a game of skill with some chance involved but mainley skill.The better the opponents the less chance,the worse the players the more chance is involved as they chase more hands with improper odds,which is why playing poker is clearly a game of skill


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