If any of you fan boys want an autograph, come down to the G Casino Card Room in Sheffield, England. He will be in there later too.

Hi people, thought I would ask a question for the more experienced live
About me. I used to play online as a $400nl pro for 5 years,
2005-2010 and I have maybe around 100-150 hours at live cash lifetime, so I have
experience but wouldn’t say I’m an experienced live player by any
So last night I had been playing live at my local casino in a GBP
£1/£1 game. After 11 hours the table broke and we moved into the back room where
a self dealt game continued. One person who was not playing dealt the game, on
the 7th hand this occurred:
I raise UTG to £4, four handed with AQ and
BTTN and SB call.
Flop is:
9d-5c-7h (Pot £13)
We all check and
the turn comes:
9d-5c-7h-6d (Pot £13)
Checked to the BTTN who bets
£7, SB calls and I muck. Turn comes:
9d-5c-7h-6d-7d (Pot £27)
bets £15.
After about 30 seconds, BTTN announces, “I don’t care if you have
the straight I’m all in for £22”
Dealer says £7 more to call, SB then
tables over his hand:
Then confidently announces full house.
Dealer says you need to put in £7 more.
About 30 seconds later the BTTN
tables his hand:
Slamming it down and negatively announcing,
“fuking trips” Then he goes into a rage about how it’s his pot as the SB didn’t
call the last £7 so he is taking the pot.
After a brief stating of
somewhat ruling(which I didn’t agree with), SB’s hand is declared dead and the
pot is awarded to the BTTN.
I don’t know this guy, he got unlucky all
night and played good and spoke broken English. I think he was Austrian. I’m
feeling a bit in disbelief about the ruling on the hand and how horrible it was
to have squabbling in a pot without a house dealer.
Floor re-affirms the
ruling given and the pot is awarded to the BTTN. I quit the game and state I
don’t wish to play in a game with such shaky rulings and squabbling at the
After the table breaks.
My thoughts are, who doesn’t call 3rd
nuts for 7 BB’s more into a 64 BB pot! The guy confidently announced his hand
with authority, I thought he was a live noob and just thought he didn’t need to
put the last £7 in as the pot was his, and he didn’t even get more than a minute
to put his 7 blind in.
To me he called when announcing his hand and any
decent floor person would make that decision, but what do I know….as said and I
washed up online pro with not much live experience.
Sorry for such a long
winded post and good luck to you all.