....just monkey tilted big time!Never been so insanely tilted.Managed to only spew off 2 BI so that was good.I have just 4bet A8s utg against a NIT and he shoves.............
This is just the worst thing I have ever done by a long way 100BBs deep at 2/4
I'm so upset right now I can't put it into words.I just wanted to make this post to remind myself what a idiot I can be at times!!!!!
New TV Pictures
Anyway I got my new TV the day after I posted my last blog.Sometimes blogs are good for putting thought into action,especially when your mind gets as screwed up as mine with all the late nights,not eating too good etc etc.
Not so Ballin
OK now I'm going to take the rest of the day off to calm down and maybe I might be able to perform good later.Over the past 3 days I was up over $2200 so today has just slammed me back down to break even again for the month.I hate months like this but I'm not handling myself too well mentally so I can't blame anything else for my poor results.It's just me not performing.
lol slight improvement with the TV (:
tommy angelo was on the 2p2 pokercast this week which was pretty cool, I still havent got his book but sounds like a 'must have'.
I keep trying to get into it but keep getting distacted.I'll let you know my thoughts when I'm through though for sure!
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