Well I have been extremely busy the last few days.On Thursday after work I traveled to Oxfordshire to see family before I hit London on the 15th & 16th for the Full Tilt Poker Million Pound Challenge Event.
It's pretty hilarious how much stuff I took with me for such a short trip,but hey I didn't/still don't know how long I intend to stay here in the South.
I was in two minds what computer stuff I should take and then just thought what the hell I take my freaking desktop unit.Haha,my Dad and his wife are pretty cool with me so they don't mind me messing up there office and sleep patterns for the forthcoming week at least.Pretty good that they put up with me trekking up and down stairs all day logging hands/data mining/table selecting etc etc.
It was also my Dads birthday on the 9th so we intend to go for a meal on Sunday which will be nice.
Yesterdays Session was pretty crazy.I put in just over 1100 hands and ended just over 1 BI down at $400nl.I'm pretty happy with how I ended up playing apart from early on calling way too many 3bets light IP & OOP.So I guess I'm happy to quit stuck 1 BI :)

Hand 1
Full Tilt Poker, $2/$4 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter
CO: $423
Hero (BTN): $435.10
SB: $740.40
BB: $400
UTG: $86
MP: $400
Pre-Flop: A
2 folds, CO raises to $14, Hero calls $14, SB raises to $60, 2 folds, Hero calls $46
SB is a crazy break even player who from time too time uses the NITTY stats they project to their advantage.WE had been tangling a bit with me getting the worst of it so far.
Flop: ($138) 7
SB bets $65, Hero calls $65
I already planned to float the flop,and shove a turn bet on almost any board.I had thoughts about raising here but didn't see any point as it's an even bigger spew than my PF call.
Turn: ($268) 3
SB checks, Hero bets $58, SB raises to $120, Hero raises to $310.10 and is All-In, SB calls $190.10
Turn bingo card imo,I float with gushot with plan to shove most turns with a totall airball and hit a straight.Good times!After they check I bet small to induce,I INSTA shove the turn CR thinking my hand is good 99.99% of the time and just want to look FOS so I can get called from alot of there range.
River: ($888.20) 8
Results: $888.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed A
SB showed 6
I think I got owned a little here,but it's just a variance spot as they got very lucky.After I decided 1 BI on image has been spent I should tighten up for the rest of the session :)
Hand 2
Full Tilt Poker, $2/$4 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter
BTN: $400
Hero (SB): $505
BB: $1,907.60
UTG: $718.10
MP: $1,128.60
CO: $447
Pre-Flop: Q
UTG calls $4, MP raises to $12, 2 folds, Hero raises to $42, BB calls $38, 2 folds
BB is Freudian Bet 21/16/2.7 I have been sat in the same seat for a while,175hands and I'm playing pretty tight@17/13/2.4 as the two seats after Freud are 45/30/4 type players.Nothing has happened so far between me and the reg and with the one limper in the pot and an isolator I'm not sure 100% of his range here 126.25BBs effective.I think it's pretty obv that the isolater is weak(hence my smallish 3bet trying to induce action)and I think that freud knows that the isolator is weak.With how I play the flop,then almost insta check the turn(in an effort too look weak)as I feel his best hand here is going to be JJ but think his whole range might be something like:
JJ/TT/JTs/99/88/AKs(I'm almost certain he would play AKs like this)
I was kind of unsure on how to proceed on this river given my weird line:
PSB/70% pot
C/C(I had a slight thought about this but was defo leaning towards the other three options given my line looks fairly weak sauce)
Flop: ($100) 9
Hero bets $68, BB calls $68
I think that he knows I'm going to C-Bet here 85% of the time so I C-Bet small enough so he can float with alot worse I he called me light.
Turn: ($236) 4
Hero checks, BB checks
The turn I thought check best suits my small C-Bet flop action,trying to basically sell him the idea I have AIR.I was almost positive he had AKs or JJ/TT here
River: ($236) 2
Already posted this on twoplustwo forums so can't reveal the results yet.
I'm feeling a little tired today and a bit tense,I have not slept well for a few days now and I'm planning on not playing tonight and just having a few beers in the house with the intention of falling asleep at a reasonable time so I can get up early and have my body clock set to normal AM instead of silly PM.I have to be checked into the event at London by 10:30am on the 15th and don't think I'd be able to get up otherwise.
I'm just looking at hotels and train times at the moment,I'm so lame I really am layed back not booking or making any type of arrangements to the very last minute.
September So Far
Rolling OK for the month,with the exception of me spewing at party on a few different session.Man PP plays out totally different to FT after you have been use to how the FT regs play.It's very true that each level plays differently from site too site.
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