Monday, 13 October 2008


Yep that's the sound of the bad beat drum roll friends lol.

Seems like my "Doom Switch" has started!After my post the other day I have been handed a load of bad beats.2outtared about 5 times losing 7/1 and losing about 3 or 4 5/1 all in spots.This is not fun at all,being handed a plethora of bad beats is making me feel quite shit as it wasn't so long ago I had my worst downswing ever.So far this is about a 9 BI downswing so far.I thought it was bad play creeping in as Saturday I played horrible for 80% of the session and then got bad beated at the end.Sunday I just ran bad then played bad as a result of this and dropped about 1 BI on just shocking play.
Today I just fired up a session on my new set up which I'm very happy with.I ended the session stuck just under 1.5 BI 6tabling playing a fairly aggressive 25/20/5 style.I think today I played pretty well but could have made a fold in a very tough spot.
That's why tilt can make your game so bad.When we are playing out A+ game we can make world class reads/folds/value bets and when we are feeling the pressure we don't do so well.

I will try another session in a bit,but since I have started to get some variance I'm going to drop down from 4/6 tabling to 2 tables just whilst I get a bit of confidence back.
If I continue to run bad I will definatley drop down from 2/4 >>>>1/2 until I'm running OK again.
This is a very important lesson I learned from my last downswing that could have crippled me If I didn't have such a large poker bankroll

I'm about break even for the month now after being up about 9.3 BIs so I will just have to think of today as the start of a new month or it's just going to drive me insane.
I recently read a friends blog and I agree with his idea and thoughts about results from month to month but also I think a big part in why I myself do it this way is to protect myself mentally as I find it a good way to shield myself away from the variance of the game.

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