Saturday 17 January 2009

Busy Bee

Wow,this month is insane for me.What a difference a day makes,what difference a year makes more like.I'm banging in hands like never before.I almost have surpassed my biggest volume in one month already.
I'm not just busy at the tables either.I'm working out a ton at the moment.Weights,Running and Circuits.I trained that much today I was actually sick when I got back from my run.Only a little bit of sick but still.I'd not been running for a few weeks so going today was hard.I had to stop and walk for 30 seconds or so twice as I was getting burning in my throat after a lack of fluids before I hit the road,so that was not so clever of me.

I'm running under EV at poker but whatever,with how much I'm playing at the moment I should do well in the next few months after I run through this dodgy spell hopefully.

I was thinking about playing some big tournaments this year,but I guess I'll have to make some money first then decide as I go :)

OK I'm done,this was just a quick post while Party Poker was down.So bad everyone gets disconnected then after 5-6mins me and a fish are HU and rest sat out,I get him for 3 hands then Party goes Kaput!

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