Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Lots of hands no results.

Well yesterday went pretty bad. Session one I banged in 332 hands and I ran TT and QQ up against a player who seemed to be bad and he had KK both times. I also got coolered with TT in another spot against a better player who got pretty lucky.To make it worse I couldn’t read his hand and value shoved $120 more over his river raise as I had him on AJ/AQ at best.Hate losing unnecessary monies but I felt like it was a +EV value shove

http://weaktight.com/123977 I had him down as a bad player.Looking back at the session now this player was very passive.

http://weaktight.com/123978 same player,when he min 4 bet I should find a fold! I guess I was frustrated!

http://weaktight.com/123976 I choose to value shove this hand.Rarely he has AA and I felt like with the turn being a 2nd club he would have shoved AK. So as played he was lucky but played it well in a passive type way and sucked out. I think I have to value shove? I have him on AJ/AQ at best here.

After the first session I took a break and came back and did pretty well bust kept getting coolered and pretty much was running under expectation I felt. Saying this I spewed off about $600 on moves/plays in pretty bad spots.
I tightened up my continuation bets and double barrows to try to keep the variance low in the later sessions.

I’m very happy with all the hands I have been putting in but one thing for sure that I need to keep my eye is to make sure I don’t make spews and mistakes due to playing 3-4 tables. I feel like I can play 4 tables but I definitely cant play my usually style. My MT ratio for yesterday was 2.65 so I didn’t do bad to have the laggish stats. Think I will have to try to play a bit more solid until I get used to playing the as many tables.

Today I feel pretty tired and I'm unsure if I will be able to log many hands.Good thing is I'm nearly one day ahead of target on my hands.This is a good motivation thought process for me.
Whenever I want to take days off or have lazy days after being hungover from partying with friends I should say to myself make sure I'm ahead in hands first,or just catch back any hands I miss when I return to the tables

~ Needed: 1,451
~ Played: 1,913
~ Required: 13,087

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